Our Community Disaster Response

Team (CDRT) Training employs a number of participatory methodologies to build community resilience. Our Enhanced Vulnerability and Capacity Assessments (eVCA) is a major tool utilized to teach community members about their risks and vulnerabilities. Through the eVCA process, community disaster plans are developed, and community volunteers are trained as Community Disaster

Response Teams (CDRTs).

During our CDRT training, participants are given hands-on training in nine (9) modules, in areas such as disaster preparedness, fire safety, light search and rescue, psychological first aid. Our one-week long course includes virtual classrooms and two days of interactive and practical training, and upon completion of training, CDRTs are expected to work with their respective communities to develop community disaster plans. The CDRT training empowers community volunteers to provide life-saving support in the event of disaster.

Ambulance Services

The BRCS ambulance service ensures medical support for various corporate, cultural and sporting events, and handles non-emergency transportation. Our well-equipped ambulance service, along with skilled staff and volunteers, is ready to assist in a variety of events and provide transportation to and from medical appointments. With a demonstrated track record in delivering first aid, the BRCS ambulance stands.

Image of an ambulance with the Barbados Red Cross Society building in the background.

To reserve an ambulance, please reach out to us at (246) 417-2727.