Disaster Management

Close up image of the side of the Barbados Red Cross ambulance, taken at a slight angle.

The Barbados Red Cross Society’s

Disaster Management Department builds capacity at the community level; ensuring that communities are more self-sufficient and able to respond during challenging times. Our programmes are designed to lessen the negative impacts of hazards through preparedness, mitigation and response.

Our core aim is to build individual, community and national resilience.

Through tailored programmes, the DM department empowers citizens with essential skills and information, enabling them to effectively prepare for, and respond to disasters.

Community Disaster Response Team Training

Our Community Disaster Response Team (CDRT) Training employs a number of participatory methodologies to build community resilience.


The Barbados Red Cross Society works closely with communities to promote optimal practices to build sustainable communities. Focusing on activities and public education in areas such as recycling, organic gardening and composting, we work with communities to mitigate the risk of man-made crises and disasters.